AutoPatcher XP July2006 Update
- 绿色
- 安全
- 09-17淘宝标题优化助手v1.0绿色版
- 09-17邮件提醒软件1.0免费版
- 09-17百度邮箱检测v1.0绿色免费版
- 09-17网易闪电邮V2.4.1.30官方版
- 09-17minisync ftpV1.2
- 09-17CrossFTP(FTP客户端)v1.97.8中文免费版
- 09-17FlashFXPv5.4.0.3970中文免费版
- 09-17ftpsyncer(ftp文件同步软件)v1.1.0绿色版
AutoPatcher是目前最完美的Windows安装程序更新补丁包。通过它,用户重装系统后,不再需要登陆Windows Update网站下载对应的更新程序。AutoPatcher包含了所有最新的补丁,安装简单,只要点击几下鼠标就可把Windows XP SP2更新到最新状态。
Windows XP SP2 - Critical Updates:
KB890830: Malicious Software Removal Tool v1.18
KB911280: Security Update for Windows XP (v2)
KB914388: Security Update for Windows XP
KB917159: Security Update for Windows XP
KB917537: Security Update for Windows XP
Windows XP SP2 - Recommended Updates:
KB895316: FIX: Updates to the Windows Media Device Manager
KB896097: FIX: Indexing large files created with the WMF 9.5 SDK takes a long time
KB897338: Update for Windows XP SP2 (v3)
KB900399: FIX: For Windows Media Player
KB905592: FIX: For applications using the Windows Media DirectShow QASF filter
KB910998: FIX: Applications cannot play WMDRM-protected content
KB912454: FIX: For custom WMF 9.5 SDK applications
KB921134: FIX: For Windows Media Player 10
KB922042: FIX: For Windows Media Player 10
Windows XP SP2 - Other:
KB922481: Security Update for .net framework 2.0 (aka KB917283)
KB914440: Network Diagnostic Tool (v6) Windows Live Messenger v8.0.0792
WGA notifications tool (1.5.0540.0)
Macromedia (Adobe) Flash Player for Internet Explorer (only in Full)
Macromedia (Adobe) Flash Player for Mozilla, Firefox, Opera and Netscape (only in Full)
Macromedia (Adobe) Shockwave Player v10.1.3.018 (only in Full)
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- 87.1M/Win2003, WinXP
- AutoPatcher XP July2006 Update
- 36.6M/Win2003, WinXP
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- 1.0M/Win2003, WinXP
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