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Pod to Mac

Pod to Mac

Easily transfer music, video or playlist from iPod and iPhone onto you
  • 绿色
  • 安全
  • 软件大小:3.1M 软件语言:简体中文
  • 软件类别:国产软件 更新时间:2017-09-24
  • 软件官网: 软件授权:
  • 应用平台:Mac
  • 病毒检测: 360检测 百度检测 金山检测
  • 用户评级:87
  • 相关合集:
  • 相关热搜: 多线程下载工具) 看电影网客户端
关键字: Pod to Mac
Easily transfer music, video or playlist from iPod and iPhone onto your computer and into iTunes. Recover your music in iTunes after your computer crashes by transferring the music on your iPod or iPhone back to your computer. Preview music and movies on any iPod before transferring it into your iTunes library. Use the Automatic Transfer button to instantly select, and then transfer all songs on an iPod that are not already in your iTunes Music Library. Easily copy a whole or partial playlist from any iPod into iTunes. Prevent duplicate transfers: Tracks already in iTunes are indicated with a blue check. All track info gets transferred including the track Play Count, Rating (out of 5 stars), Album. Quickly find the tracks your looking for with the Pod to PC search bar and filter options.

iPod Compatibility:
iPod Shuffle (All generations)
iPod Nano (All generations)
iPod, iPod Photo, iPod Video (All generations)
iPod Touch: All generations, including 3.0 firmware and jailbreaked
iPhone: All generations, including 3.0 firmware and jailbreaked

    Easily transfer music, video or playlist from iPod and iPhone onto your computer and into iTunes. Recover your music in iTunes after your computer crashes by transferring the music on your iPod or iPhone back to your computer. Preview music and movies on any iPod before transferring it into your iTunes library. Use the Automatic Transfer button to instantly select, and then transfer all songs on an iPod that are not already in your iTunes Music Library. Easily copy a whole or partial playlist from any iPod into iTunes. Prevent duplicate transfers: Tracks already in iTunes are indicated with a blue check. All track info gets transferred including the track Play Count, Rating (out of 5 stars), Album. Quickly find the tracks your looking for with the Pod to PC search bar and filter options.iPod Compatibility:iPod Shuffle (All generations)iPod Nano (All generations)iPod, iPod Photo, iPod Video (All generations)iPod Touch: All generations, including 3.0 firmware and jailbreakediPhone: All generations, including 3.0 firmware and jailbreaked
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